General terms & Conditions: Courier Services

Please find below the general terms and conditions for WEBTAXI S.à r.l. courier services.

The company WEBTAXI S.à r.l., headquartered at L-1638 Senningerberg, Rue du Golf 85 (VAT number: LU 2774796 / Luxembourg Trade Register No. B197685), operates a booking center for courier services. This system allows connected vehicles to be located via GPRS (General Packet Radio Service), ensuring the near-instantaneous and efficient dispatch of rides while minimizing unnecessary travel and reducing waste. The rides themselves are carried out by affiliated members of the Webtaxi network, who are contractually bound to WEBTAXI S.à r.l. through an affiliation agreement with the booking center.

1. Subject of the Contract

1.1. The client enters into the contract on their own behalf under the conditions listed below with WEBTAXI S.à r.l. The contract covers courier services carried out by different categories of vehicles, namely WEBTAXI eco (hybrid or electric vehicles), WEBTAXI limo (Mercedes E-Class), or WEBTAXI van, and according to the applicable rates.

2. Ordering, Offer, and Conclusion of the Contract (Booking)

2.1. The order can be placed by the client either by phone, in writing via postal mail, email, mobile application, the website, or through a customer account that the client can create with WEBTAXI S.à r.l.

2.2. Once the order has been placed, WEBTAXI S.à r.l. makes an offer to the client based on the information and preferences provided by the client.

2.3. After the offer has been sent to the client, they have a specific timeframe indicated in the offer to accept it. Once this period expires, the offer is no longer valid and is considered as not accepted.

2.4. If the client accepts the offer within the specified timeframe, they must validate/sign the offer and return it to WEBTAXI S.à r.l., which serves as confirmation. At this point, a contract is formed between WEBTAXI S.à r.l. and the client. A written confirmation, serving as a booking confirmation, is then sent by WEBTAXI S.à r.l. to the client. If the client does not receive a written confirmation from WEBTAXI S.à r.l., they must consider their booking as not validated.

2.5. All agreements, additional agreements, and special requests made by the client at the time of the order must be documented in writing; otherwise, they have no evidential value. In case of discrepancies between the content of the order and that of the confirmation, the content of the confirmation prevails.

3. Order Modifications After Confirmation

3.1. Modifications requested by the client after the conclusion of the contract are only possible with the express consent of WEBTAXI S.à r.l.

3.2. If WEBTAXI S.à r.l. is required to make modifications due to circumstances beyond its control, it is obligated to inform the client, provided that these circumstances do not create an unreasonable burden for them.

4. Services Guaranteed by WEBTAXI S.à r.l.

4.1. WEBTAXI S.à r.l. guarantees only the services explicitly stated in the offer or in the confirmation, which include:

  1. The required category and capacity of vehicles, or a higher category depending on the internal organization of WEBTAXI S.à r.l.;
  2. The execution of the courier service from the departure point to the arrival point;
  3. Strict compliance with European regulations regarding driving times, daily working hours, driver rest periods, and road traffic laws.

4.2. Any service not mentioned in the confirmation is not covered by the guarantees of WEBTAXI S.à r.l.

5. Pricing and Payment Methods

5.1. The price for the service provided is the one indicated in the confirmation. This price includes the courier service as well as applicable taxes.

5.2. Any additional costs resulting from modifications to the order requested by the client after confirmation must be paid by the client.

5.3. In case of any damage to the vehicles caused by the transported items, the related costs (repairs, cleaning, etc.) are the responsibility of the client.

5.4. Payment for courier services can be made using three different methods:

  1. The client pays the affiliated driver directly at the end of the transport, either in cash or by another payment method (VPAY card or credit card);
  2. The client pays for the service at the WEBTAXI S.à r.l. booking center;
  3. A client with an account at the WEBTAXI S.à r.l. booking center is charged for the service directly from their credit card.

5.5. In case of non-payment of the invoice, WEBTAXI S.à r.l. reserves the right to recover the amount due by any legally appropriate means.

6. Price Adjustments

6.1. Unless otherwise stated, WEBTAXI S.à r.l. explicitly reserves the right to modify the price agreed upon in the contract if transport-related costs (such as fuel prices, road taxes, etc.) increase unexpectedly at the time of booking. In such cases, the client will be informed, and the additional cost must be covered by the client.

7. Transfer of the Contract

7.1. The client (assignor) may transfer their contract to a third party (assignee) before the start of the transport, provided that the third party and their package(s) meet the specific transport requirements and that the transfer does not violate legal provisions or administrative decisions. In such cases, WEBTAXI S.à r.l. cannot accept the transfer of the contract. The assignor and the assignee are jointly responsible for the payment of the price stipulated in the contract and for any additional costs arising from the transfer of the transport between them.

8. Cancellation by the Client – No-Show

8.1. Any courier service ordered for immediate departure (via the “Depart Now” button) can be canceled free of charge within three minutes after the transport request has been dispatched from the booking center to the assigned driver.

Any service booked in advance (via the “Book for Later” button) can be canceled free of charge up to twenty minutes before the scheduled departure time.

8.2. Cancellation by the client must be made in writing or verbally by phone.

8.3. Apart from the cases listed in Article 8.1, WEBTAXI S.à r.l. has the right to charge the client cancellation fees in the event of a cancellation by the client. Furthermore, any service where the client does not show up with their package(s) at the latest five minutes after the scheduled departure time or after receiving an SMS or other notification of the vehicle’s arrival will be considered a cancellation and will be charged according to the following rates:

  • 50% of the initial fare, subject to the following conditions:
  • Cancellation fees for a WEBTAXI eco ride shall be no less than €5.00 and no more than €10.00.
  • Cancellation fees for a WEBTAXI limo ride shall be no less than €5.00 and no more than €20.00.
  • Cancellation fees for a WEBTAXI van ride shall be no less than €10.00 and no more than €30.00.

9. Cancellation by WEBTAXI S.à r.l.

9.1. WEBTAXI S.à r.l. reserves the right to cancel the contract before the start of the ride. If this cancellation is not due to the fault of the client, any payments already made in direct connection with the booking will be refunded to the client after the contract is canceled.

The client is not entitled to compensation if the contract is canceled before departure for the following reasons:

  • Cancellation due to force majeure, meaning abnormal and unforeseeable external circumstances beyond the control of the party invoking them, which could not have been avoided despite all due diligence.

10. Termination Due to Force Majeure

10.1. If a key service under the contract cannot be provided by WEBTAXI S.à r.l. before departure due to an external event beyond its control, the client, upon being duly informed, has the right to terminate the contract within a reasonable timeframe or to accept an equivalent or higher-quality alternative service offered by WEBTAXI S.à r.l. If the client terminates the contract, all amounts already paid will be refunded without charge within one month. If the replacement service is of lower quality, the client is entitled to a refund of the price difference.

11. Transport Deficiencies, Client’s Rights and Obligations

11.1. If, during transport, a key service under the contract cannot be guaranteed for any reason, WEBTAXI S.à r.l. will, whenever possible, offer an alternative service of at least equivalent quality. If the replacement service is of higher quality, WEBTAXI S.à r.l. will cover the additional costs. If the replacement service is of lower quality, the client will be refunded the price difference. Services provided as specified in the contract and delivered as such during transport must be paid for by the client.

11.2. The client is responsible for informing themselves, without intervention from WEBTAXI S.à r.l., about applicable customs regulations and health formalities for the transported package(s) and for complying with them.

12. Liability Limits

12.1. The contractual liability of WEBTAXI S.à r.l. for damages is limited to the transport price, provided the damage does not result from fraud, gross negligence by the client, actions of third parties, transported package(s), or force majeure events.

12.2. The execution of transport in accordance with national, European, and international legal provisions falls under the responsibility of WEBTAXI S.à r.l.

12.3. If international conventions apply to the services or if there are legal provisions based on such conventions that define specific conditions or limitations for claims for damages, WEBTAXI S.à r.l. may rely on these conventions and corresponding legal provisions when dealing with the client.

13. Client’s Obligation to Cooperate

13.1. Unless expressly agreed otherwise, the client must communicate the final transport route and the exact number of packages to the company within a reasonable period before departure.

14. Accurate Information

14.1. The client must inform WEBTAXI S.à r.l. before departure about the type of packages they intend to transport so that appropriate arrangements can be made.

14.2. The client is responsible for the safekeeping of their package(s).

14.3. WEBTAXI S.à r.l. is not liable for theft of the package(s) during loading and unloading.

15. Claim Deadlines

15.1. Claims related to insufficient service must be submitted by the client within 30 days after the transport date specified in the contract (as evidenced by the postmark). A longer deadline may be granted if the client provides justified reasons for an extension.

15.2. The client’s right to file a claim under Article 15.1 generally expires one year after the transport date specified in the contract. The one-year limitation period only begins once the client has notified WEBTAXI S.à r.l. of the defect.

16. Insurance Information

16.1. The transport of package(s) is insured within the framework of applicable legal provisions.

17. Final Provisions

17.1. WEBTAXI S.à r.l. reserves the right to modify these general terms and conditions. Any modifications will only be binding on the client if they have been duly informed before the conclusion of the contract.

18. Applicable Law

18.1. Luxembourg law shall apply to all concluded contracts.

19. Dispute Resolution

19.1. Any disputes regarding the validity, interpretation, execution, or termination of the contract between WEBTAXI S.à r.l. and the client shall be submitted to mediation in accordance with the mediation rules of the Luxembourg Centre de Médiation Civile et Commerciale (CMCC). The parties agree to this mediation process by signing an agreement for mediation, as provided under Article 1251-9 of the New Code of Civil Procedure.

19.2. According to Article 1251-9 of the New Code of Civil Procedure, the signing of the mediation agreement suspends the statute of limitations for the duration of the mediation.

19.3. The obligation to resolve disputes through mediation, as stipulated in these general terms and conditions, is considered fulfilled, and the mediation is deemed terminated in accordance with Article 1251-5, paragraph 2, sentence 3 of the New Code of Civil Procedure, if, after the first hearing with the mediator, one or both parties decide not to continue the mediation process.

19.4. If mediation under the rules of the Centre de Médiation Civile et Commerciale (CMCC) fails to resolve the dispute between WEBTAXI S.à r.l. and the client, the courts of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg shall have exclusive jurisdiction to handle and settle the dispute.

20. Processing of Personal Data

20.1. Any contract concluded between the client and WEBTAXI S.à r.l. may involve the collection of personal data by WEBTAXI S.à r.l., which is necessary for the execution of the contract and/or compliance with legal obligations. In such cases, the data may be processed, recorded, and archived by WEBTAXI S.à r.l. and may also be shared with third parties or subcontractors. Any transmission of personal data will be carried out in compliance with Luxembourg law and European Union law, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) No. 679/2016/EU.

20.2. Unless otherwise stated, this data includes the name of the client or their representative(s) (if the client is a legal entity), a mailing address, a billing address, and an email address. However, if necessary for contract execution, additional client-provided information may also be required.

20.3. Access to this data will be secured, and WEBTAXI S.à r.l. will inform the client of any data breaches.

20.4. The client acknowledges that they have been informed of their right to access and correct their personal data at any time, in accordance with the applicable data protection laws in Luxembourg. The client also has the right to refuse the processing of their personal data; however, in such cases, WEBTAXI S.à r.l. reserves the right to refuse to conclude a contract if such data is necessary for contract execution.

20.5. The data may be retained for the entire duration of the contract and for ten (10) years after its expiration, without prejudice to any legal, regulatory, or statutory limitation period that may require a longer retention period.